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Speech on Sleep Deprivation at JKK Nattraja College

Raajvir Vijay, the founder of Somnia, the innovative sleep app driven by cardiac coherence, recently delivered an engaging speech at JKK Nattraja College and the group of institutions. Addressing a large audience of students and faculty, Raajvir discussed the pressing issue of sleep deprivation among teenagers, its causes, detrimental effects, and strategies to improve sleep quality.

He began by explaining how modern lifestyles, particularly excessive screen time and academic pressures, significantly contribute to poor sleep habits among teenagers. Raajvir shared insightful statistics about the widespread nature of sleep deprivation and its severe impacts on both mental and physical health. His talk also introduced the Somnia app, showcasing its unique approach to enhancing sleep through cardiac coherence.

Speech on Sleep Deprivation at JKK Nattraja College

The session was highly interactive, with numerous questions from the audience about sleep hygiene, the science behind cardiac coherence, and practical tips for better sleep. Raajvir provided detailed answers, emphasizing the importance of consistent sleep schedules, minimizing screen exposure before bedtime, and adopting relaxation techniques.

The lively interaction highlighted the audience's keen interest in improving their sleep habits and leveraging technology like Somnia to achieve better sleep. Raajvir’s session was well-received, leaving a lasting impact on the attendees and inspiring many to prioritize their sleep health.